Clearaudio Goldfinger Cartridge
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Here for demo (by appointment only)
the finest cartridge in the world!
Solid 24k gold case the Goldfinger $12,000
We had to give this cartridge a page to itself!
It’s that good!

You will not believe what this cartridges can do, it represents the finest in analog sound available.
This cartridge will transform your system, it will take your focus from “the equipment” and make
your listening experience all about the glorious sound of “the music”.
It transformed our listening rooms into a believable representation of the concert halls of classical performances,
the jazz clubs, and even the rock stadiums, it’s a real believable “you are there” experience!
Life’s too short not to have this same experience in your home.
Capable of 100db dynamic range, no other cartridge can do this.
The new clearaudio Moving Coil Generation -> with up to 100dB dynamic range
Clearaudio significantly improves our fully symmetrical MC design, first patented by clearaudio in 1980.
We redesigned the Generator in a revolutionary way of positioning and doubling the magnets to 8 pcs. so the coils are operating in a much stronger magnetic field. Furthermore we have chosen the strongest magnetic material available at this moment: Super Neodymium. Through these achievements, the efficiency has been raised by 30%, which results in an output of up to 0.9 mV at 5cm/sec.
A new Micro-HD-Diamond tip, providing a hybrid parabolic geometry with the following stylus radii (0.008mm x 0.040mm) is now used. The total mass (0.00016g) is a fifth of the previous diamond stylus.
Cartridge body resonances, while tracking in the groove, are minimised through a twelve-finger design of the mounting plate, with different radii on the cartridge body, which is a result of our constant research and sophisticated development.
The cartridge bodies of our 4 new models: Goldfinger, Titanium, Stradivari and Concerto are made out of the following: Gold, Titanium, Ebony and Satinee-Wood. The generator construction of the new Moving Coil Cartridge generation is mechanically, magnetically and electrically absolutely symmetrical, our unique design, like no other. All clearaudio moving coils use our proven 24 ct. pure gold coils.
Cartridges of the new generation:
A clear breakthrough in analog music reproduction, with this new MC-Cartridge generation, has been achieved. The new generation is able to read a dynamic range of 100 dB with a frequency response of 10 Hz up to 100KHz.
For the first time in 50 years you will see 100dB dynamic range reproduced from the vinyl record in the following graph. The following measurement, a trackability test at 80 microns, proves the 100dB dynamic range. The peak Level (blue Graph) in relation to the record noise (green graph) shows definitely a 100dB dynamic range.

Click here for the newest review on the Goldfinger;
6moons Review