
We want to hear from you!
Comments on the web site?
How was your service?
How do we compare with other dealers?
How was your Home Theater installation?
What did you think of your Home Theater installer?
What other products would you like to see us sell?
Audio tips to share?
Anything at all!
email us with your thoughts
We’ll publish them here!

This MBL system is awesome!
Mike B
The Vienna Acoustics Speakers work quite well in my system, great recommendation.
Sahid H
Loved the Capital Audiofest hope it happens again.
I was not ready for tapes, what the hell?
But when I heard the opera tape I was stuck in my chair, I couldn’t move I was in the hall at the performance.
Two guys were singing right in front of me I could close my eyes and see them.
BTW, I have never liked opera before, gonna rethink that now.
There were some good rooms at the Capital Audiofest, very good, then there was the United Audio room.
You guys do know you were cheating with that tape deck right?
…I want one as soon as I win the lottery.
R2R Tape?
Who knew it could be so good, going to have to look more closely at this.
Heard the UHA Reel to Reel tape deck today and I have to agree, IT IS THE ULTIMATE SOURCE COMPONENT.
Sam C.
Newerk, NJ
Did not come by the store to hear a R2R deck at all, but I just had to listen… now I have to have a deck please call me to discuss.
Mike P.
Arlington, VA
Heard the reel to reel deck at RMAF, I must have come back to the room 10 times… really I couldn’t tell what was master tape and what was recorded from vinyl.
Denver, CO
I’ve had tape decks since the late 60’s but never heard a deck like this!
Beautiful design too.
I was at the Tape Project seminar at United Home, it was fantastic… the tapes Paul played were the best sound I have ever heard.
I must have Brilliant Corners, saving my $.
Love my UHA deck, flawless!
The tapes I am making are beyond belief, they sound better than the source, more velvet, more dynamic even.
As I said when I was in the store I’ve tried a few decks in my time, settled on a Studer A-810 but after sending it off to be serviced for the second time I’m done.
After listening to the UHA decks all I need to know is how long will it take to get a UHA deck?
Got my UHA Phase5 deck yesterday and I gotta say the Studer never sounded like this, thanks.
Manny P.
Orlando Fla.
For me the NOLA speaker room at CES was outstanding, the tape deck really opened my eyes to how good a source can sound.
Do you need a dealer in Israel?
My MBL system has transformed my listening existance, wow!
Even my teenage son is now listening to classical music with me (unbelievable), he says it sounds like a real orchestra is there.
Considering the build quality of the MBL equipment he may get the system willed to him and another lifetime of music will
be enjoyed.
Bethesda, MD
A real high end stereo shop is getting hard to find these days, glad you guys are here!
Arlington, VA
Every addition I have made in my system that you recommended has worked out fantastic, I couldn’t be happier.
Mclean, VA
My Clearaudio Maximum Solution turntable and Aesthetix Rhea is absolutely awesome, way better than I could have imagined.
And to think I walked in looking for a new CD player, thanks for the new direction it is much better than any CD could be.
That’s what a real audio dealer does he offers options that improve the sound and doesn’t just push boxes out the door.
Alexandria, VA
Thought I wanted a new Home Theater System when I came in, who knew that stereo sould sound so much better
when done right. I feel like I am “there” everytime I listen.
Very happy customer.
Washington, D.C.
“This B&K Reference 30 and Reference 7270 is fantastic!
Your guys arrived on time and had everything installed in a flash,
they even removed their shoes when they came in the house.
I highly recommend this company.”
Bethesda, MD
“The room I was converting to a Home Theater was L shaped
and I knew would be difficult to set up properly.
Greg came out and in fifteen minutes had a plan drawn out
to accomidate all my requirements, and my wife’s too.
Everything arrived on time and was set up and calibrated
according to THX requirements.
Now the kids want to stay home and bring their friends to
see our new Home Theater.”
Potomac, MD
“I had all my questions answered honestly and my audio needs
completely explored before I decided to buy. I was told that advice was free
even if I bought from another dealer. Great service honest company,
I’ll do all my audio business with them.”
Mclean, VA
“I wanted a high quality sound system for my living room,
my wife didn’t want anything to do with the idea.
Greg came out and showed us how to get a system in without
detracting from the decor, and it worked. I can’t believe the
sound from my Jolida tube amp and Audio Physic speakers it’s great.”
Washington, DC
“There was no dealer anywhere near me so I found
United Home Products on the internet.
I had never bought anything expensive on the internet
before but I must say all transactions went perfect.
I have bought everything I needed, processor, amp, speakers,and even
cable all without a hitch. In total I’ve spent over $10,000
and every dime was worth it. Buy with confidence these guys are great!”
Richfield, UT
“Why is it so hard to get straight answers from an audio store?
After three trips to (*can’t publish store name*) to ask questions
the owner told the salesman I needed to buy something for him to
answer any more questions! Do you believe that, I have been told that kind
of thing happens at (*can’t publish store name*) all the time.
United Home Products was very interested in answering all my questions
I must have called 5 or 6 times. Greg even came out to the house and did a
complete analysis of my home theater room for free. The installer
was fast and they used drop cloths whenever
they cut any dry wall for my inwall speakers.
The B&K Reference 30 and the three Jolida tube amps
do sound like the best HT set up I could ever imagine, WOW!
Chevy Chase, MD
“We love our new Plasma screen HDTV it arrived in perfect condition
as promised and was mounted into position perfectly.
The Alalysis Plus Component Oval Video cables were awesome as well.
What a great picture! It was alot of money but
now that we have it, we couldn’t live without it, we’re hooked!
Thanks for making my shopping experience a good one.
Yep, sure enough you were right on the money. I guess
that’s why it’s always best to deal with people who know what
they’re talking about, and have first hand experience. I
don’t think any other “retail stores”, or possibly even
the tech reps. at B&K would have told me that that was my
problem. One minute of listening to my problems and
troubleshooting and you nailed the problem on the head!!
Everything else is great, I’m very happy with my system.
When funds become avail. I’ll probaby be calling you for
a subwoofer and upgrading cables.
SACD 1000 arrived yesterday about 2 pm. Excellent condition, as good as
It has been a pleasure doing business with you, and I will keep you and your
site in mind when ready to purchase any other electronics.
Thank You!
Rick from Michigan
You are right, the Gershman’s are great.
I love the sound of the Avant Garde’s, they are amazing.
They sound better than Revel studio’s, Merlin vsm’s, and Eggleston Rosa’s.
I returned from a brief business trip to Philadelphia last night (Friday)
and was *amazed* to find the Air Matrix cables waiting for me. Thanks a
million for the super-speedy service. You and Darren at DH Labs are both a
genuine pleasure to deal with.
I’ll be back in touch when I know how much of the Q-10 I’ll be needing in my
new (but really old – 1931) house.
You couldn’t possibly have a more satisfied customer.
David F.
You have always been straight forward with me, never pressuring me, and giving me a
lot of space to make up my own mind. I appreciate this very much, as I have found out, that there are
too many dealers out there, who are only interested in making a sale, and not in the best interest of the
customer.I look forward to buying more things from you, and I am sure that we will do more business,
in the coming weeks. I’m still looking for a rack, cables, and a tv, too.
Robert S.
Thank you can not say enough for all your help and patience.
With over 15 e-mails and phone calls,
you have maid my idea of a home theater a reality .
You ARE the person I have been
trying to find for all my years. Some one with the knowledge of the industry and products
to recommend, not just good products but GREAT sound.
You have made my day, every time I turn on my system.
Please feel free to add my name to your reference list!! Great person,
great products and knowledge
of systems = a wonderful experience..
S. F. B
Thank you for all your help teaching my wife and I
how to operate this new audio system.
We’ve never had a complete home theater system before
or anything beyond just a stereo. We were a bit overwhelmed
by it all but you really came through for us and went way beyond
what any dealer would have done for a customer.
To come out to our house on a Saturday evening and correct my son’s
reprogramming nightmare was beyond belief.
We now have exactly what we wanted and no surprises along the way.
When you spend $30,000 on a system you get nervous, but we would do it again
in a heartbeet as long as you’re doing the work for us. I will recommend
you and United Home Products to everyone.
Great Falls, Virginia
You guys were right the Gershman Acoustic speakers
are the finest sounding speakers I have ever listened to.
I’ve spent quite a bit of money on speakers over the years
trying to find this sound, and you nailed it on my first conversation
with you. Why didn’t I find you guys sooner I could have saved allot of money!
Chevy Chase MD.
Flawless install!
These guys even used drop cloths to protect the carpet.
I highly recommend using United Home Products
for all your audio or video needs. All the equipment you recommended
has been just what I wanted, the exact sound I wanted.
I’ll be sending you allot of customers when they hear this system.
Clifton, Virginia
You guys are right on the money!
Being a girl I don’t know the first thing about audio or video stuff.
But I do know the system you’ve designed for me is absoutely perfect .
I really had no idea a system could sound and look this great.
When I’m telling someone just how great my new system is and they say what kind is it,
I just say it’s a United Home Products system, and that means it’s awesome!
Falls Church, Virginia
I like your web site, lots of info and you don’t
just link to the manufacturers site for the details, like most.
I like your idea of putting audio components on a
marble slab you bought at a housewares store.
My wife says the marble slab is used to roll out dough or something.
I actually found them in a number of sizes, colors, and thicknesses.
By putting vibration dampers under it I was able
to make my own vibration free platform for less than $30.00.
And the marble looks good too! All I have to do is keep my wife away from it.
Thanks, I’m sure most dealers would have sold me something
for $300 or more!
Thanks so much for your help,
I was ripped off by a private seller on the internet,
he said the unit was perfect but the remote didn’t even work when it arrived.
All the other dealers I spoke to said, “that’s the problem when you buy used equipment”
and pretty much blew me off! You helped me troubleshoot the problem and
even sold me a new remote that works perfectly.
That’s real customer service! I’ll buy all my audio equipment from you from now on.
Washington DC.
These Celtic Silver cables are tryly amazing!
I’ve never heard my system sound so great, you were right
once you go silver you’ll never go back!
Arlington, VA
You were right these are the best interconnect cables (Celtic Silver Dragon)
I have ever used, and I thought I had tried everything in cables!
I guess more wires per cable does make the real difference.
I want to order some Celtic Silver speaker cables
I’ll take a double cable biwire pair in 6′.
Miami, FL
Thanks for the United Home Audio
T shirt it’s really a “Champion” brand and everything!
Heck, I only had to spend $5000 to get it but, I am sure
enjoying the system you sold me. The sound from this system
you designed is much better than what I was going to buy
when you said “best bang for the buck” you really knew what
you were talking about.
Nashville, TN
The upgrades you recommended for the Jolida JD100 CD player
were quite surprising to hear! Those Mullard tubes made a big difference
and the power cord seemed to quiet down everything to a pitch black background.
It was a great player stock and these upgrades just kicked it up about 10 notches!
Very happy!
The Celtic Silver Cables have blown me away, I want another pair of Dragons
for my SACD player. I want them send overnight just let me know the extra cost
when I call with my CC info.
I had to let you know that after trying nearly 10 different cables I found it!
The Celtic Silver speaker cables are perfect in my SET amp they seem to bring out
more of the sweet SET sound that I love. These are a keeper especially at only $999
I always heard that silver was bright but the Celtic Silver cables are just detailed.
My music seems to have a deeper more realistic sound stage than with copper.
Air, Air, Air that’s what I hear in these Celtic Cables!
Great work!
Wow, cool store!
Washington DC needed a store like this where everything seems geared to
the best sound quality for the money. The system Greg designed for me is
the best sounding surround sound audio system I have ever heard. I’ve been to every
audio store in town and listened to every system in and above my price range,
but nothing ever sounded like my new system does. I’m telling everyone I know
to get in to United Home Audio before they make an expensive mistake.
You should put this on your web site!
Bethesda MD
I’ve been treated good and bad in audio stores, but I’ve never felt so
at home in any audio store, thanks. I also think that most audio stores don’t really have
anyone who knows what they are talking about when it comes to matching
audio components. At your store I finally found someone who could help
with designing my sound.
My new cables are just what my system needed, thanks Mike for all the help!
And I’ll be back for that CD player too.
Fairfax, VA
Baltimore MD
I just wanted to express my appreciation to United Home Products, and Scott in particular, for the superb experience I had in my purchase of a home theater preamplifier. This was the first time that I had purchased from United Home Products, and I was most impressed with the scope of knowledge regarding audio and home theater products shown by Scott. His years in the field were clearly evident, in his being able to answer virtually all of my questions, many of which were quite complex.
I decided to purchase the preamp, a particular product that I had not known of, having certain advanced features that even my own research didn’t reveal. Scott was kind enough to order a new, factory sealed unit which he had available for me nearly four days BEFORE he promised!!
I cannot emphasize enough how much Scott made my purchase a comfortable, pleasant and overall wonderful experience. For any high-end purchases in the future, this will be most definitely my first dealer of choice.
Thank you Scott, and United Home Products, for all of your help!!!!
Dr. Harris Berger