Shun Mook Isolation & Cables

Three sizes of isolation footers:
Three footers per component
Super Diamond Resonators (U,S, Oatent No, D364168) – This 3” diameter x 1.75”h body is a smaller version of the Ultra Diamond Resonator with a1/8 carat natural diamond phono point mounted on a steel shank. This more economical version is mainly used under lightweight Preamps, DAC, CD Transports of 35lbs. or less. The resonators are sold in matched sets of three and are individually tuned fir its optimum performance.
Ultra Diamond Resonators (U.S. Patent No. D364168) – This is a totally new approach to “Mechanical Grounding”. This 3.75” to 4” diameter x 1.75”h body is made with from black African ebony with a 3/8”dia shank and tipped with a1/4 carat natural diamond. This patented design contains a large volume of ebony reservoir for filtering distortions while the natural diamond allows for the instantaneous escape of unwanted vibrations, the resonating properties of this ebony when excited by the electromechanical energy will enhance the musical quality of its audio reproduction. These matched sets are recommended for all Pre-amp and Power amps, especially the very heavy units weight up to 200 lbs, Using these will instantly expand the sound staging and increased separation, Tonal balance of the music will be much richer and hence a major step of improvement.
Giant Diamond Resonators (U.S. Patent No. D364168) – With a 5” diameter x 2.25” high body which holds three times the volume of ebony reservoir then the Ultra Diamond Resonators, this is truly the ultimate enhancement device of your electronic the 1/2” diameter steel shank carries a half-carat natural diamond point. Each time this is tested under any electromechanical equipment the improvement leaps several letter grades for the entire Hi Fi system and brings fidelity to new heights. At present due to the difficult of obtaining large pieces of ebony this is only produced in very limited quantities.

Shun Mook Vintgae Wire Cables are all made from N.O.S. old western electric cloth insulated wires. As we know modern plastic and synthetic material used to insulated copper wire deteriorates the sound quality. Yes, modern wires are design to with stand the heat and stress generated in the copper. This makes the power system safer, but sound wise not good. Since the electrical demand of high fidelity cable is very mild, we can go back to vintage wires and build various cabling for our needs.
Our WE wire cables use a very critical fixed length.
We found out that the length of any cable is most essential. A few microns of change can result in big differences.
So each cable is micro tuned by ear-listening. The special lengths we use are:
Interconnect – 7 feet
A.C. Mains Cable – 14 feet or 7 feet
Speaker Cables – 14 feet
Furthermore, all our cables carry an additional (non-connected) tuning wire. It only wraps around the main conductors and use for fine tuning a system when installed. It acts like a coil winding and thus wrapping or unwrapping one turn or half a turn can adjust the sound easily.
Shun Mook Explained
Most audiophiles still regard Shun Mook as black magic or perhaps psycho-acoustics and imagination. The belief of traditional science in what is known is known and must be proven by measurement and tests.. Yet there are so many things that science still do not know and cannot explain. Shun Mook is not black magic but very simple physics. Sympathetic resonance is the main principal behind it. As in high school you have experimented with tuning forks. Strike one fork of one frequency and bring it next to a same stationary fork, this one will start to react without even touching it.
Sound as we know it is movement of air caused by the pulsation or vibration of some material. The quality of this movement is the result of resonance of the material providing this vibration. Different material gives out a difference resonance character. For example steel, glass, marble, wood all has their resonance signature.
Musical instruments produce sound from vibration of its material – to give us different pitches and frequencies of sound.
The inherent cellular resonance produces the type of sound produced. Strings – from a box of wood of various sizes and shape. Woodwind – from sections of tubes with holes in varies positions. Brass – by forcing of air through a metal tube.. Precussions – by beating of skin on frames of wood etc etc.
All these are the result of resonance of the material at the cellular level producing sound as we know it.
Shun Mook is made from mpingo ebony wood. Mpingo – in Africa means tree that sings. Ebony wood has the most musical properties in its resonance characteristics or else the string instruments will not be using them as fingerboards and woodwinds will not use it for its body.
Looking at a section of the wood it consists of thousands of tubes, or its cellular structure is like a micro-sized pipe organ. When energy makes contact with this material it creates multiple vibrations of the most complexity within its body. Vibrating strings when stretched on this wood gives out a complex but musical
tone to the human ear. On the other hand a plastic fingerboard on a string instrument will create another pattern, but a pattern of a not so musical sound.
The Shun Mook disc is like a musical instrument, receiving sound energy from the speaker and then become excited, resonates and releases a sympathetic resonance of a musical character to its surrounding. Our invention is making a disc that will resonate at an enhanced rate with the effect of masking the non-musical frequencies and harmonics while amplifying the natural musical tone spectrum. It is acting like a tiny amplifier in a sense that it will energize, absorb, resonate and radiate to its surroundings.
Most tuning devices aims to cancel or absorb resonance, these are actually resonance from non-musical materials, like steel, brass, lead, glass, marble, granite, plastic, rubber, MDF wood, etc. The resonance from these material are damaging to sound produced by the loudspeaker and therefore has to be controlled.
Energy cannot be destroyed, that is a given in physics, that is as far as we know. Most devices attempts to damp, absorb or isolate the vibrations from these material but cannot cure the fundemantle problem. You think the rubber feet at the base of the amplifier dampens the vibration, yet it only stores the energy for the moment and delay a release back to the system with the rubber resonance mixed in as a feed back. That’s why air bags and pressurized air suspensions does not work well due to the time delay feed back of the negative energy (non-musical). Heavy composite of steel, lead and plastic also just delays the bad resonance and smear up the signal in micro seconds delay.
With Shun Mook we channel away the bad sounding resonance energy because it cannot be destroyed. Just as you cannot stop a flood with a wall you have to dig a cannel to divert it. In this case we use our diamond tipped resonators. The diamond crystal being the hardest material on Earth can release the vibration instantly while the ebony wood body acts like a reservoir for the musical energy to excite the resonance energy in its body. Hence this musical energy is feed back into the system while the diamond acts like a mechanical diode – pass the unwanted vibration out one way.
Of course we have some trade secrets as how to enhance this wood and determine the maximum direction of the flow resonance energy in a piece of ebony. Anyone can make an ebony disc with real ebony, in fact 20 years ago when our disc first hit the market in Hong Kong, within a few hours it was dissect by some copy cat who did try and make some disc of their own but of course was never successful. All they have are some duds – not alive.
A simple test by yourself or your clients is to hold the disc with the Chinese logo up or down in one’s palm and feel the weight. Flip the disc over and weigh it the other way, you will feel the logo side down is heavier then the other way. Why?
This is crazy, nothing is added, same disc. There is an energy flowing through the disc to your palm that is enhanced within the ebony. The energy from your palm is the aura of your body that is reacting to the disc energy.
For a male human the aura flows out of your left hand and flow towards your right hand, while for a female its the other way around. The disc is not as simple as it looks and there is a complex process involved in the making of it.
We also make other tuning devices such as the diamond tipped resonators, LP record clamp, dowsing pendulums, vacuum tube resonators etc. All of them can give you real improvement in sound in your hi fi system.
Last five years we have been involved in applying our technique in concert hall design and tuning. To this day three major concert halls has applied our Shun Mook devices to enhance the acoustics in South Korea.
I hope this explains a little bit about how and why Shun Mook works. Most human have very acute senses and therefore can pickup the changes sound of their Hi Fi system. The human senses are far more superior then any sound measuring instruments.
You can hear the result of Shun Mook by trying it in your system.