UHA – HQ Audiophile Quality Take Up Reels

The Reel Flanges Have A Quality Powder Coated Finish for beauty and durability.
Flanges are connected to the center hub by an interlocking design and fastened together with 28 screws per reel.
The Silver Aluminum Center Hub Is Coated With a US Military Spec Coating, MIL-DTL-5541.
Although prepared specifically for DoD anti corosion applications,
this standard is used for many commercial applications as well.
UHA Reels Come In Your Choice Of, SILVER, RED, OR BLACK.
Special Price To The First 100 Buyers, Only $399.95!
UPDATE: The First Run Of 100 Reels Is Almost Sold Out!
Plus shipping and handling.
To Order Please Call Or Email:
540-295-8313 or email greg@unitedhomeaudio.com
Please Provide Shipping Address To Determine Shipping Costs.

UHA – HQ Take Up Reels Questions and Answers:
1.) Will this reel work on my tape deck?
It will work on any tape deck using 1/4″ reels that can accomodate 10.5″ reels and uses a NAB hub adaptor.
2.) Do I need some adjustment of the reel tables on my deck?
Sometimes the answer is no and sometimes an adjustment will be needed to center the tape onto the reel.
It is possible that the heavier and thicker flanges on the UHA-HQ reels may warrant some adjustment
of a decks reel table. This can happen if a deck is currently adjusted for the thin flimsy stamped stock reels.
3.) Do I need to use 2 UHA – HQ reels on the deck to get the sonic benefit?
The short answer is, no, but it couldn’t hurt….
4.) Does the UHA – HQ reel need any maintenance or re-balancing over time?
5.) Does the UHA – HQ take up reel come in 1/2″ or 1″ reels?
No, only 1/4″ reels are made at this time.

When Only The Best Will Do!