Vitus Audio

It’s still early in the morning. You feel the first warming rays of the sun on your skin, while she appears on the horizon. Dew fills the racetrack with a mysterious glow. Test engineers remove the cloth of their creation. The silhouette of their statement cuts through the fog. Razor sharp. Ready to surprise everyone, to exceed his or her expectations. A moment of absolute silence. The world stands still, just for a brief moment. You can feel your heart beating. You’ve been living up to this moment. A loud roar brings you back to reality and it never looked and felt so good. You are right on track with the RI-101 Integrated Amplifier.
Time for a musical triumph…
Setting a new standard for sound quality at the price point. That goal was achieved with flying colors by our engineers. Now you can understand why we called our most accessible range the ‘Reference Series’. The first product of our Reference Series is an immediate game changer. Look at the impeccable build quality. Have every confidence in the musical abilities of the RI-101 Integrated Amplifier. Your musical masters are in the best hands. We invite you to take your first steps into the magical world of true musical performance. Whenever you’re ready, you can expand this beautiful amplifier with a phonostage, DAC and headamp, making it the control center of your musical experience.
Expressivity, emotion, finesses. Three words that best describe the essence of the RI-101 Integrated Amplifier.
Only available in dedicated high end shops.
OUTPUT Speaker L Speaker R Pre out
Available 1 1 1 (XLR)
Impedance 75mO 75mO
Power RMS (8/4 ohm) 300/600 300/600
Frequency response +800kHz +800kHz
Signal to noise ratio >100dB >100dB
THD + noise > 0,04% > 0,04% @100W/1Khz
Vitus RL-102 Preamp

The RL-102
The latest revision of the Reference Linestage, is using the
technology from the Signature Series Linestage (SL-103)
scaled down to fit the physical frames provided.
As with all our other products, the RL-102 is based on modules, which gives the owner a lifetime warranty on performance, as any new sound enhancing modules can easily be
installed by the owner.
The volume control is our usual relay based technology used
throughout our product range. It is designed in such way,
that only one fixed resistor is in series with the signal at any
volume step.
It offers both RCA and XLR inputs and outputs for optimal
compatibility with any system configuration.
INPUT XLR analog RCA analog
Available 3 (L+R) 2 (L+R)
Sensitivity 2/4/8VRMS 2/4/8VRMS
Impedance 10Kohm 10Kohm
OUTPUT XLR analog RCA analog
Available 1 1
Impedance 75 O 75 O
Frequency response +800kHz +800kHz
Signal to noise ratio >110dB >110dB
THD + noise > 0,01% > 0,01%
Standby <1W
Operation 22W
Type Relay controlled fixed resistor network
Gain -91,5dB to +12dB
Vitus RS-101 Stereo Power Amp

Eyes gently turn towards the lights. They switch to green. Milliseconds later the full potential of the engine unleashes. An unlikely force under the guard of a tip of a foot. Sweat beads on the font face. Adrenaline gushing through your body. Full power. Full control. Hands steer with a focus on infinity. The mind lingers as the band of screeching tires continues. The cheer of the crowd is ravishing. Applause swells when victory is within reach. You are right on track with the RS-101 Reference Stereo Power Amplifier
Time for a musical triumph…
The technical ingenuity of our engineers made it possible to take the ‘musical engine’ of the RI-101 to a whole new level. Excellent craftsmanship and leading innovation enable it to capture the drama of a full-scale orchestra and translate it into a lifelike performance. Goosebumps. With advanced technology like an enhanced output stage and power supply, the RS-101 Reference Stereo Power Amplifier assures a future proof investment into music. No compromise. Its life long performance stands for the unique dedication of Vitus Audio as a manufacturer. Experience the musician’s finesse and the delicacy of each instrument with the intelligent Class A bias.
Expressivity, emotion, finesses. Three words that best describe the essence of the RS- 101 Reference Stereo Power Amplifier.
Only available in dedicated high end shops.
INPUT XLR analog RCA analog
Available 1 1
Sensitivity 1,4 Vrms 0,7 Vrms
Impedance 10Kohm 10Kohm
OUTPUT Speaker L Speaker R
Available 1 1
Impedance 75mOhm 75mOhm
Power RMS (8/4 ohm) 300/600 300/600
Frequency response +800kHz +800kHz
Signal to noise ratio >100dB >100dB
THD + noise > 0,01% > 0,01%